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News: Technology Integration in Education

Integrating technology with classroom practice can be a great way to strengthen engagement by linking students to a global audience, turning them into creators of digital media, and helping them practice collaboration skills that will prepare them for the future. Source

In Malaysia, we might not have schools with all apple computers but there are always options to that. For an example, these students might use Final Cut Pro for video editing but we can still use Windows Movie Maker. By teaching the students to develop their IT skills, we are actually helping them opening their eyes to the opportunity that the world has to offer. 

One of the commenter wrote,

"Technology helps make teaching and learning more meaningful and fun." That is my favorite quote because if it is used correctly, it really does. I am in school to be a music teacher and I am worried about how I will put technology in my future classroom in a learning positive and meaningful way. This article makes me want to do more research to find out exactly how I can integrate technology in my future classroom. I know how it can be used for other subjects very effectively. That tells me that, after research, I should be able to find a lot of resources for the music classroom to help my students enjoy learning and (hopefully) retain what they learn.

What say you? Me? I am 100% agree because I would love to see my students to be equipped with the IT skills because it is an important component in today's world. As Malaysia is growing stable in economy, industry and trading, education aspect should not be taken lightly because it is the root of the branches and leaves. If the root is strong and able to absorb water even during drought, it means we are one level higher and one step ahead to climb up to the top of the globalization skyscraper


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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